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Introducing Kinly's new research: Trusted Connections 2023

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At Kinly, we work with some of the world’s most trusted organisations. From banks to law firms, healthcare providers to government departments – these organisations are responsible for handling and communicating some of the most sensitive information for their customers and stakeholders. In short, they trade in trust.

In an effort to better understand these high-trust organisations, we are excited to announce Trusted Connections, our annual research report into the AV industry. Incorporating original data from 150 AV professionals working across healthcare, education, judicial, banking and finance, our findings are a guide for all high-trust businesses who are looking to benchmark their technology, collaboration, and communications approach.

This blog will summarise some of our top take-aways from the research:

Trust is built with technology

Nearly half (41%) of AV professionals surveyed say that their choice of tech is a ‘vital part’ in securing customer trust, while 41% reported that their choice of communication technology can ‘make or break,’ the customer experience, and consequently, the relationship.

For high-trust organisations, AV is not just about headsets, software and screens. It’s about building consistent, clear communication with both customers and employees. In fact,

Hybrid work is weakening customer trust

Over a quarter (27%) of high-trust organisations believe that customer trust has been weakened by the move to remote working. As so many of us subscribe to flexible work, we now face new challenges. High-trust organisations need to set a standard of assurance to put clients’ minds at ease when it comes to technology security. Nearly three quarters (73%) of professionals in these industries believe that having the right technology in place will make up for the decline in in-person contact.

High trust requires high security

In most jobs, we now expect hybrid working to be part of the gig. As such, more than half of our respondents say we should drop the term ‘hybrid’ and just call it ‘work,’ while nearly all (96.7%) agree that at least some, if not all, work should be done remotely.

But with flexible working comes new challenges. Whether it’s communicating via open Wi-Fi networks, the unauthorised saving and copying of documents, or the potential for webcam hacking, in increasingly flexible environments, balancing security and experiences is a top priority.

Rapid response regrets

During the COVID-19 lockdown there was an overnight adoption of collaboration technologies as companies needed the technology in place to allow their staff to work from home. While speed of adoption was essential at the time, in many the rapid rollout of communications technology has led to some poorly designed, overly complex tech stacks and workflows, which are now causing scaling and interoperability issues.

Due to these issues, we are now witnessing a ‘great rollback’ of collaboration tech, with nearly a quarter (23%) of AV specialists at high trust brands removing the technology they installed during Covid-19 and starting from scratch with more agile, reliable, and seamless tech.

To find out more about how high-trust sector brands are changing their approach to AV, or what the impact of changing working practices could be in your own organisation, download the full report here.

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