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Work smarter from your home office

Skip rush hour traffic, snow chaos, rushing to catch a train or flight, and meet with your colleagues wherever you are. A smarter office incorporating video meeting solutions at work and at home will make you more efficient with your time.


More time at home - and at work 

Having to spend days on the road or nights away on business trips is often not very tempting. With constant travel to attend meetings, we lose both working hours and leisure time in the actual journey, and occasionally it might not even be necessary. By deploying reliable video conferencing solutions that work well, we can enable employees to work smarter, and allow them to free up time for themselves and their family. Not to forget, less travel also gives a positive impact for the environment.   

"Despite major climate challenges, Norwegians still travel a lot with their work, but with flexible and user-friendly video conferencing solutions, business travel can be greatly reduced," says Tom Martin, Norwegian MD & EVP at Kinly Norway. 

Kinly provides secure and flexible visual collaboration solutions, making it easier to work together irrespective of physical location. We believe the right equipment in the meeting room or a good video solution at home or in the office reduces the need for timely travel during the working day. 

 "This way, employees can work with each other, customers and partners, whether they are at home, on the go, or staying in the office and using meeting rooms," says Martin.

Home office with collaboration technology that works 

Flexible, digital solutions make it easier and more cost effective to have a home office. For those who have this opportunity, the home office is an invaluable resource when snow chaos occurs, or your child is ill. Not least, the implemented diesel fuel car bans, rush hours fees, train problems and increased parking fees in the major cities makes travel more expensive and challenging for many.  

"Having the option to work from home day whenever necessary is a good solution for many, but the challenge is often that working from home makes you less available and it becomes difficult to communicate in a good enough way with colleagues and customers.  Through smart investments in reliable collaboration solutions, anyone can work as well at home as from the Office,"says Martin.   

A smart solution for both the home office is a dedicated video conferencing system. Cisco Webex DX is a personal video conferencing system with high quality video and audio, providing a positive experience all meeting participants. Cisco Webex DX  eliminates background noise If you are sitting in an open office environment or working at home,  capturing only the sound of the user, causing less noise disturbance. The screen can also double as a PC monitor when not being used for video meetings.   

Smart and flexible interaction at Kinly 

Kinly has invested heavily in collaboration solutions for our own employees, and a number of smart audiovisual and video conferencing tools have been made available, and this is not just limited to the meeting rooms. For example, you can see a Cisco Webex DX’s on all the employees' office desks, and many also have one at home. With several offices worldwide and globally dispersed teams, the solutions are used extensively on a daily basis. Good knowledge of the products and how physical and cloud-based meeting rooms work, means Kinly employees travel considerably less than we would without these smart opportunities for interaction.

This way of working feeds into the company’s purpose and brand promise: Our role is to provide a seamless and reliable experience that enables people to work together, in different spaces and places. Working together, Everywhere. 

As an employer, Kinly also want to use these tools to encourage more flexibility and a more efficient and environmentally friendly workplace. We allow employees to balance working from their home office and being in the office.  

"These collaboration solutions and this way of working is fundamental for how our business works, and something we want to help our customers and partners with every day. Collaboration tools should work flawlessly, regardless of where people are. We also focus on given our employees the ability to work from home by providing them with state of the art technology. With the right tools and services in place, we can both increase productivity and job satisfaction, so it’s a win-win” says Martin. 

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