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Video conferencing has played a crucial global role in greasing the wheels of work

Looking back on the pandemic whirlwind of the past two years, it is stunning to see the advances and growth of the Unified Collaborative Communications industry.

Along with this boom, there have been countless articles addressing the platforms used, technology available, along with every acoustic and visual element of what makes a successful meeting.

While all of these things are, of course, vital to a successful call, it’s important not to forget the human element of UCC and the benefits it has brought. It’s all too easy to lose sight of the everyday gains that technology has delivered to the workplace. Indeed, perhaps an easier way to convey the weight of these benefits is to imagine a business world where face-to-face video engagement is not possible – a place where group calling is not ‘a thing’. Look back on your own experience of the past two years and think how you would have managed without it.


Keeping companies productive – Kinly can-do

It almost seems an impossible thought, such is the way that this technology has become quickly ingrained in our working practice. Whether your company is made from remote employees, globally dispersed, or just prioritizes a healthy work/life balance, video conferencing has the unique ability to bring the human connection of face-to-face communication to every interaction. Here at Kinly we pride ourselves in helping to keep companies and organisations productive.

Clearly, having the ability for instant discussions around topics and faster decision making lends itself to a more efficient working practice. As surveys examine data from the past 20 months, it will be interesting to see the rise in productivity metrics from real-time video conferencing.

The standard of today’s UCC offering means that professionals across the world have been able to continue communicating, whatever the challenges of the modern world. There is also the considerable savings made on costs, transport and, of course, time, but that is a conversation for another time.

Keeping us connected – Kinly can-do

It’s the human element that deserves the focus of this blog – an appreciation of how massive a difference UCC technology has made to keeping the world of work turning.

As we move forward in our increasingly networked world, it is clear that UCC is here to stay, with advancements in technology now coming faster and more frequently than ever before. This is all good news and bodes well for a better user experience as, ultimately, users will have the final say on what works and what features are embraced.

The days of full holographic meetings may be a little way off, and, naturally, there are elements of face-to-face meetings that can never be replicated on a screen, but the contribution that UCC has made to the workplace in recent years cannot be overstated.

Here at Kinly, we are proud to continue playing our part in this transition - supporting customers across the globe, and we look forward to working with our partners to see where the next chapter will lead us. Our team are some of the most experienced in the industry,and can help you ensure you make the right investment in your UCC solution, from navigating the hardware jungle to ensuring you choose the right cloud partners. If you’re seeking total peace of mind from your UCC platform – Kinly can-do!

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